Can this really be true? Can you really get what you want in life without using cash? The answer is yes, and it is done every day. In this ground-breaking book you will learn how governments, businesses, and even individuals have all been using the ancient practice of Barter to their benefit for centuries. Barter today is no longer about a Farmer trading chickens for a Doctors time. It has evolved into a highly sophisticated financial instrument. Although the book is about barter trade it will stretch your mind and stimulate your imagination more than you ever thought was possible, and you will learn a secret that is said to be known to only 500 people around the world. David Wagenvoord is a legend in his own right, and one of the world icons, when it comes to Barter trade. He is often referred to as the father of Radio Barter. Having been involved in trade for over 40 years. He has done over half a billion dollars worth of Barter Trade, his clients have included some of the icons of American business, including American Express, Hertz, Chrysler, General Motors, Sheraton, DHL, Hilton, to mention a few. Ali Pervez is one of America’s leading marketing experts, and an International Marketing Consultant, with over twenty five years of hands on global marketing experience. He is a best-selling marketing author of "Get Your Black Belt in Marketing". For the first time in history both David and Ali reveal how you can unleash the power of barter trade in your business and personnel life. With Barter trade, the sky is not the limit it really is just the beginning. Welcome to a new universe where you will find that no cash is really no problem will soon hold true for you also!
Ali Pervez is one of America's leading marketing experts who passionately believes that marketing is for everyone. His work focuses on helping not only organizations, but also individuals in improving their effectiveness in marketing. He is the author of the book Marketing is King!, has over 20 years of global marketing experience, & has done marketing projects in 22 countries outside of the U.S. Starting as a marketing analyst, he rose to the position of Chief Marketing Officer. He has held senior marketing positions at start-ups & major U.S. Fortune 500 Companies, including Abbott Laboratories, Sonoco Products Company, & Robert Half International. At Abbott Laboratories, he was a recipient of two Vice President Awards for outstanding contribution in marketing within one year. In 4 months, he was also able to triple the sales of the division he ran for one of the fastest growing companies in the U.S., & he nearly tripled the sales of a Silicon Valley Biotech startup within a year.