This image is the cover for the book The New World of Islam, Classics To Go

The New World of Islam, Classics To Go

In 1921, Lothrop Stoddard wrote "The world of Islam, mentally and spiritually quiescent for almost a thousand years, is once more astir, once more on the march. Wither? We do not know. Who would be bold enough to prophesy the outcome of this vast ferment-political, economic, social, religious, an much more besides?" Lothrop Stoddard today is an unknown, un-admired thinker from the Progressive Era, but he is indeed a prophet. In this book he carefully describes the rising organization of Islam, including Wahabbi Islam, the denomination that inspired Osama bin Laden, as well as the Zawia social movement that still influences Libyan politics today. This book is a critical study in the "Clash of Civilizations" before such a conflict became widely known or understood. Many of the places described by Stoddard, remain Geopolitical hot-spots today. While this prophet has been stoned, it is a good idea to read and understand his prophesies. (Amazon)

Lothrop Stoddard

Theodore Lothrop Stoddard (June 29, 1883 – May 1, 1950) was an American historian, journalist, political scientist, conspiracy theorist, white supremacist, and white nationalist. Stoddard wrote several books which advocated eugenics and scientific racism, including The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy (1920). He advocated a racial hierarchy which he believed needed to be preserved through anti-miscegenation laws. Stoddard's books were once widely read both inside and outside the United States.

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