This image is the cover for the book How McGee and Associates Prevented War in Ukraine by Russian Invasion

How McGee and Associates Prevented War in Ukraine by Russian Invasion

How McGee and Associates Prevented War in Ukraine by Russian Invasion is a “what if? What would the world be like if Ukraine and the United States stopped Russia in its tracks with courage and determination before the Great Bear decimated Ukraine? What if President Sybil Norcroft-Daniels had said “No,” and meant it? What if she got every asset of the US and 47 other nations, McGee and his partners, and the best of the best special ops and cyber warriors involved before day one? What if she determined to bring down the Russian dictator who still-in his atrophied heart—was a shrewd and soulless communist apparatchik? The author can imagine such an outcome in vivid and gripping realism."

Carl Douglass

Carl Douglass is a retired neurosurgeon who writes with gritty realism on various subjects and is not a shrinking violet regarding controversy. He was born and reared in a small mountain town and learned early to fight for his place. He had to work, so he had jobs as a service station attendant and amateur mechanic, a lumber mill hand, a lumberjack in the forest, a lifeguard, a lab rat, a slaughterhouse worker, a diener in a morgue, and finally, a surgeon. He was educated at Stanford, the Universities of Utah and Minnesota, in the US Navy during the recent unpleasantness in Viet Nam, in academia, and in the competitive world of private practice neurosurgery. He can lift a jack, lay a track, split a log, build a fence, dig a trench, dissect a cadaver, butcher a beef, hog, or a chicken, teach Jiu Jitsu, do a more than credible job in a wide range of surgery [he is not a limited specialist] give a cogent talk on political ideology, brain surgery, the avoidance of extensive back surgery, or military strategy. His Jack-of-all Trades experience provides life and color to his books. Carl has two goals in his authorship of books: inform, entertain, and improve his Serious Readers and to spin a good yarn about a piece of history that has been neglected and should not be.

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