Bolide is a riveting tale that delves into the life of a young father, grappling with the aftermath of an 18-year-long marriage that crumbled beneath the weight of heartache. In a desperate bid to escape the torment that surrounds him, he makes the life-altering decision to relocate to a foreign land, seeking solace and the support of family. Little does he know that this seemingly ordinary choice will propel his existence into an extraordinary odyssey, one that exceeds the boundaries of his wildest imagination. Amidst the struggles of day-to-day survival, our protagonist stumbles upon a transformative meditation that unravels the profound truths hidden within the intricate tapestry of planet Earth and the vast reaches of the cosmos. As he embarks on this cosmic revelation, his life takes an unexpected turn, propelling him into an epic journey that surpasses the boundaries of time and space.
Michael Inman has first time written a book, which he never thought would happen. This book has been a challenge, to say the least. Being a one-parent family, trying to support his son Vincent, this book is to show him and anyone else who is struggling in life, that if you just follow your dreams, be consistent, keep picking yourself up every time you get knocked down, and keep moving forward, there is nothing that can’t be achieved. Michael dedicates this book to him and to his future generations to show them that if they want something, go and get it!