This image is the cover for the book The Honey Palace

The Honey Palace

Venture through the garden, past the whisper of the trees, to a place like no other; the home of the bees. Learn about their lives, the incredible jobs that they do, find answers to secrets, that you never knew. Unlock curiosity and knowledge about these amazing things. So much more than just their buzz, their wings or their stings. Magic and beauty is found here in the hive; The Honey Palace is waiting, for you to arrive.

Alexia Miliatis, Bernadette Salvador

Alexia Miliatis is a beekeeper and creative, originally from Auckland, New Zealand. Fuelled by a passion for environmental sustainability and community collaboration Alexia and her husband began Mili Bees in 2020, a company that aims to boost urban bee numbers and create sustainable products. She resides in Sydney, Australia with her husband, three children, her French Bulldog and over two million bees.

Austin Macauley Publishers