In this sci-fi cyberpunk thriller, a programmer turned hacker finds romance and action while investigating intrigue on a space colony on Mars.
In an age of augmented reality, love is found in the most dangerous places. Stranded on Mars, megacorp programmer Derek Tobbit drowns his sorrows in augmented reality sex, only to have his drug-fueled midlife crisis hijacked by a conspiracy that threatens the solar system. It will take all his hacker skill, the friendship of a rogue AI, and the redemptive power of an impossible love to save them.
Lou Agresta is a novelist, game designer, and dinosaur lover. Denied a career in paleontology by the forces of evil, he decided to become a writer. Since then, Lou has authored, edited, and developed over a million words for the adventure game industry. His work includes the five time Ennie-nominated Razor Coast as well as Heart of the Razor, its award-winning companion volume. Club Anyone is Lou’s first novel. A martial arts enthusiast and a fan of Nordic dotwork tatooing, Lou lives in the Hudson Valley with two cats, his girlfriend, and (part time) two children. You can learn more about what Lou is up to by visiting or from his irreverent blog Words Like Bullets at