This image is the cover for the book Danny


Jake McMullen is an eighteen-year-old boy just starting out in life and already on the wrong track! One night fuelled by too much bourbon and rebellion he makes a disastrous decision that will see him spending a life-saving week in jail with an enigmatic cellmate – Danny. Through Danny’s obsession with history and his thoroughly unique way of teaching it, Jake will learn the most important lesson of his young life so far which will hopefully put him back on track to lead the happy and fulfilling life he was always destined to live.

Kim Wilson

Kim Wilson lives with her husband Wayne at the foothills of the beautiful Blue Mountains in New South Wales, Australia. She started writing quite late in life having started her career as an advertising copywriter and then continuing for the next twenty years as a fashion buyer! She married for the first time at the tender age of 57 so the last ten or so years have a complete turnaround for her. When she’s not writing, she loves snow skiing, sailing, choral singing, her theatre group, reading (of course) and knitting! As well as copious amounts of tea wherever and whenever she can get it!

Austin Macauley Publishers