In a magical and mysterious garden where the unexpected seems to take over, a dissatisfied Daisy, or adventurer, is caught up in mischief and desires, bringing about a whole new world of humor, tears, and love. The wild flowers and creatures take on a new meaning as they grow in the imagination of the reader, each new character with their special task and story blending reality and fiction into a magical world of flowers, fairies, and humans. Plants that appear in this innocent garden, pushing their way in and overtaking other more charming plants, echo similarity to what the children and adults appear to go through in this magical, enthralling story.
Charlotte Godkin is a retired professional artist living in Northumberland. Her love of wild flowers is expressed in her paintings. She is often seen in the hills with her Chihuahua dog, Precious, gathering wild flowers for her next commission. Charlotte’s love of writing is expressed as she combines it with art and love of the simple Daisy in this inspirational book of humor, fantasy, and love, hoping her readers enjoy and join her imagination as they turn the pages.