This image is the cover for the book True Crime Stories of the Triad, True Crime

True Crime Stories of the Triad, True Crime

Crime writer Cathy Pickens brings a novelist's eye to the stories that define the sinister--and quirky--side of the Triad. The Triad region ranks high in national murder statistics, but crime stories are always more interesting than numbers. Crimes in North Carolina's Piedmont happen in small towns, rural farmhouses and elegant mansions, carried out by criminals who were just visiting, some who were born in the Triad but moved elsewhere, and plenty who stayed close to home. Delve into the tale of Nannie Doss, the giggling grandma who lived in Lexington long enough to poison one of her husbands. The now-famous Alford plea was first used in Winston-Salem. Learn the real story of the Reynolds tobacco heir whose Lindbergh-inspired flight ambitions ended with a single gunshot.

Cathy Pickens

Cathy Pickens, a lawyer and college professor, is a crime fiction writer (Southern Fried Mysteries, St. Martin's/Minotaur and Joffe Books) and true crime columnist for Mystery Readers Journal . She is a professor emerita in the McColl School of Business and has served as national president of Sisters in Crime and on the boards of Mystery Writers of America and the Mecklenburg Forensic Medicine Program (an evidence collection/preservation training collaborative). She is also the author of CREATE! (ICSC Press), offers coaching and workshops on developing the creative process and works with writers on telling their stories.

The History Press