This image is the cover for the book The Stories of Cantoon - End Game

The Stories of Cantoon - End Game

The Planet of Cantoon was changed by decades of war, but years after the wars, the world still spins on. Vandeaga and his group stand strong against vicious bandits and twisted beasts. A new evil like they had never seen before emerged from the west. In its wake, these creatures leave nothing but carnage. Will our trio overcome this countless menace or will it consume them too?

M R Green

M R Green was born in Berkshire. He loved to read as a child and always wanted to write but never did. At a young age, he loved to play video games and watch sci-fi films. After his GCSEs, he got a job in a retail store and of course this was just a stopgap until he found something better. That urge to write a book never left him and he thought about it more as he got older. In his mid-twenties, he decided he was going to give it his best shot, so while still working at the same retail store, he started to write. He did most of his writing and idea-forming before his shifts and even during his lunch breaks. All those years of hard work have now come together to form his debut book.

Austin Macauley Publishers