This image is the cover for the book Astounding Stories Of Super Science August 1930, Classics To Go

Astounding Stories Of Super Science August 1930, Classics To Go

Astounding Stories Of Super Science August 1930 features seven Classic Science Fiction Stories from the "Golden Age of Science Fiction". Contents and short description: "The Planet Of Dread" by R.F. Starzl: A Stupid Blunder—and Mark Forepaugh Faces a Lifetime of Castaway Loneliness in the Savage Welter of the Planet Inra's Monster-ridden Jungles, "The Lord Of Space" by Victor Rousseau: A Black Caesar Had Arisen on Eros—and All Earth Trembled at His Distant Menace. "The Second Satellite" by Edmond Hamilton: Earth-men War on Frog-vampires for the Emancipation of the Human Cows of Earth's Second Satellite. (A Novelet) "Silver Dome" by Harl Vincent: In Her Deep-buried Kingdom of Theros, Phaestra Reveals the Amazing Secret of the Silver Dome, "Earth, The Marauder": Deep in the Gnome-infested Tunnels of the Moon, Sarka and Jaska Are Brought to Luar the Radiant Goddess Against Whose Minions the Marauding Earth Had Struck in Vain. (Part Two of a Three-Part Novel), "Murder Madness" by Murray Leinster: Bell Has Fought through Tremendous Obstacles to Find and Kill The Master, Whose Diabolical Poison Makes Murder-mad Snakes of the Hands; and, as He Faces the Monster at Last—His Own Hands Start to Writhe! (Conclusion), "The Flying City" by H. Thompson Rich: From Space Came Cor's Disc-city of Vada—Its Mighty, Age-old Engines Weakening— Its Horde of Dwarfs Hungry for the Earth!

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