This image is the cover for the book Nordic Guide to Living 10 Years Longer

Nordic Guide to Living 10 Years Longer

A Swedish doctor shares the secrets of Nordic health and happiness in this short guide to living a longer life.

The Nordic Guide to Living 10 Years Longer is a pragmatic little book that channels the simple, healthy lifestyle of Scandinavia. Swedish doctor Bertil Marklund covers broad ground in just over one-hundred pages, providing a comprehensive guide to lifestyle choices, including sleep, diet, exercise, and the negative impact of stress; he also introduces the concept of lagom, a Swedish take on moderation.

We can all adopt the ten tips outlined in the book without completely rethinking the way we live. With his practical advice, Dr. Marklund gives you the power to make a difference in your own life—today, and in the future.

Bertil Marklund

Bertil Marklund, MD, PhD, is a medical doctor, researcher, author, professor of general medicine and specialist in public health. He has worked with patients as a general practitioner for over four decades. He has a medical degree from Gothenburg University, where he serves as a professor.
