This image is the cover for the book Tomorrow, Again

Tomorrow, Again

If you took a blank calendar and looked at it month by month, would each month hold a special, life-changing anniversary?

Could you fill the calendar with events which have shaped you and stood out, or would it be filled with blanks?

Do you seek a life where you create more meaningful moments which can become important anniversaries as you look back?

Are you spending your life in pursuit of something worthy, or are you drifting around from day to day as time passes by?

These philosophical questions are the guiding principle behind a series of events framed over 11 days in a searing Midwestern summer fixated on devotion to the dying, accumulation of others’ possessions, searching for purpose, and hoping for escape. On nights racked by storms accompanied by the strumming hymns of insects, through days burned by the sun and wind, and on a day the color of whales, events unfold to confront each character with the truth of their life and the path their calendar has set them on, with the last day ending in moments of crucial realizations and hope.

Justin Andrew Wild

The author was born in Michigan and raised in Kansas; although currently resides in the United States with his wife Julie, for most of his adult life he has lived abroad in South Korea, Chile, China, and India.  A devoted traveller, writer, and educator, he lives to connect with people, learn, and explore, and seeks out the kinds of stories that appeal to people on a human, emotive scale.  His passions include writing, travel, photography, golf, and living life deliberately.     

Austin Macauley Publishers