This image is the cover for the book The Self Beyond Psychology

The Self Beyond Psychology

Swami Paramananda, an enlightened mystic, has once more met the challenge of bridging the gap between science and spirituality. In his 30th book, The Self Beyond Psychology, he has not only brilliantly exposed the limitations of psychology, but also revealed the true nature of the self, which so far has proved to be beyond its scope. As he so rightly states, "Psychology, which boasts of being a science of human behaviour, has, like mainstream science, failed to understand the fundamental nature of man." The reader will be marvelled to travel in the inner universe, far beyond the limits of contemporary psychology, to probe into the mystery of the self, skilfully revealed by the light of wisdom of Swamiji. From this novel standpoint, humanity will no doubt be empowered with the precious knowledge it so badly needs to free itself from the quagmire of confusion and ignorance in which it is presently enmeshed. This laudable endeavour of Swami Paramananda indeed provides a true holistic understanding of human nature in contrast with the fragmentary and partial understanding of mainstream science and psychology.

Rajendra Dassruth

Swami Paramananda is a unique meditation master with an unparalleled track record. Having reached the peak of human consciousness or Nirvana in his early twenties, he has dedicated his life for the uplift of humanity through mind transformation. With the base for a better society being the individual, Swamiji lays emphasis on individual transformation. An excellent guide to spiritual seekers of all walks of life, Swamiji has given a new dimension to the science of meditation. His profound and perennial call to humanity is 'Know Thyself' - a nearly impossible task without the guidance of an enlightened master. Thousands of seekers in different parts of the world have benefitted from his meditation techniques, therapies, discourses, meditation sessions, writings and speeches at conferences. Swami Paramananda uses his prolific writing skill to reach out to seekers throughout the world and share his teachings, insights and mystical experiences. He has authored 32 books on a wide range of subjects and participated in several international conferences.

Austin Macauley Publishers