Playful and practical advice to make adulthood easier—and more fun.
Hello, grown-ups of all ages! In this book, you’ll find bite-sized bursts of advice and quirky illustrations celebrating your status as an adult, no matter how long you’ve officially been one. Remember how when you were a kid you thought being a grown-up meant you could eat whatever you want and stay up all night watching TV? Turns out it’s true! (As long as you’re willing to accept the consequences and all that other grown-up stuff.)
This lighthearted book provides both wisdom and skills for making the most of the post-childhood years, from the ten things you actually need in the kitchen, to the perils of perfectionism (get a lot more comfortable with being wrong), to the best way of opening a champagne bottle. With these handy tips, you can get more of the benefits of adulthood—and less of the bummers.
Bridget Watson Payne is a book editor, author, blogger, and self-professed proud grown-up. She lives in San Francisco.