The author of The Secret Influence of the Moon explores the many strange and unexplained phenomena surrounding electromagnetism.
Today, the use of electricity is so pervasive that our environment is permeated by both natural and artificial sources of electromagnetic energy—while we ourselves are electromagnetic beings. As we continue to pollute and thereby alter our electromagnetic environment, we are also altering ourselves. In particular, these changes infringe on the psychic side of our being.
In Strange Electromagnetic Dimensions, author Louis Proud demonstrates how all things are connected by a vast electromagnetic web—a natural phenomenon that appears to have supernatural consequences. He examines ESP, poltergeist disturbances, psychokinesis, electric people, UFOs, and other paranormal phenomena from an electromagnetic perspective. He also reveals how the artificial, alien energies we've been introducing into our environment shape the way we experience the paranormal.
Strange Electromagnetic Dimensions explores such questions as: Do human beings possess a magnetic sixth sense similar to that of homing pigeons?
Are artificial electromagnetic fields, such as those emitted by power lines, gradually destroying our health?
Can being struck by lightning or suffering a severe electric shock result in the development of psychic abilities?
What do scientists make of the fact that ball lightning can pass through walls, enter rooms by squeezing through keyholes, and display seemingly intelligent behavior?
Louis Proud is a writer and researcher specializing in anomalous phenomena. His articles have appeared in New Dawn, Paranormal, FATE, and Nexus magazines, and he has been interviewed on such programs as VERITAS Radio, Paranormal Realms, and Whitley Strieber's Dreamland. The author of Dark Intrusions and The Secret Influence of the Moon, he lives in Darwin, Australia.