This image is the cover for the book The Casebook of Sheared-Locks Holmes

The Casebook of Sheared-Locks Holmes

There is a crisis at the farm! Some bales of wool from the sheep shearing have been stolen during the night, and the bad-tempered farmer is threatening to withhold food from all the animals until the theft has been solved. At the request of the Wild Wood Constabulary, the woolly Master Sleuth, Sheared-Locks Holmes, discovers that the caper was an inside job, though his first suspect is subsequently cleared. In a brilliant piece of detective work, and a masterful cross-examination, Sheared-Locks reveals the criminal conspiracy, the animal (and human) culprits are identified, and the case is resolved in poetic style.


TAB was born and raised in Yorkshire, and studied in the Midlands and the USA, before working for many years as a researcher and lecturer in Scotland. Now retired, he devotes his time to caring for his wife and dog, as well as writing children’s tales and trying (with limited success) to master watercolour painting.