Polly, the cheerful pelican, embarks on an extraordinary adventure, soaring through the skies on a quest filled with highs and lows. Our plucky Polly finds herself in a pickle, but does she discover treasure? Does she muster the courage to be daring and bold? Beloved by all, Polly persists, sweeping the skies until, with a stretch of her wings, she uncovers a delight. With a song in her heart and a sparkle in her eyes, she returns to the forest, her surprise causing a stir among her friends. They celebrate her return, and with a joyful rhythm, Polly, the kind-hearted pelican, triumphs, bringing joy and rescue to the forest she calls home.
Ameera Patel is a born and bred British author with Indian heritage. She began writing after the birth of her second daughter and published her first book Will Polly Find a Puddle? at the age of 27. She was inspired to pursue her hobby of writing after falling in love with children’s books when reading them to her daughters. Ameera took the leap into publishing her writing to show her daughters that being both a woman and a woman of colour should never stop one from pursuing their dreams. The author hopes to write many more children’s books and much like with Will Polly Find a Puddle?, hopes to keep them relevant with the world today.