This image is the cover for the book Nanook, Santa and the Angel

Nanook, Santa and the Angel

Three weeks before Christmas, 1999: Santa Claus receives a desperate call from the Reindeer Foundation. All their reindeer have fallen sick, and so Santa will need to find alternative transport. How will Santa be able to deliver the Christmas presents this year? When the northern angels who oversee Santa’s activities gather to discuss the problem, a tiny Inuit angel called Mai-Say offers an unexpected solution: huskies, powered by the magic of the Aurora Borealis! The man charged with undertaking this mission is Nanook, who lives in Kwuantok, Alaska. With his sledge and team of huskies, Nanook sets out on the journey to Santaland... Let Santa and his friends take you on a momentous journey: a flight of love and generosity with Nanook, Star and the huskies… prepare for lift-off!

T. C. McKennar

Born in Salford in 1943, Thomas had a standard education in primary, then secondary schools. Throughout his formative years, he developed many interests. With the mellowing years, art and the English language came to the fore. He is passionate about words: their correct spellings, meanings and applications. Foreign names fascinate him! Thomas has developed a love of writing short stories involving people with problems to solve, e.g. Nanook (the Inuit), Father John McVey, Captain James Miller, Salvatore Rivera, and others. To attract and fascinate, Thomas introduces a few relevant facts about the people and places in those stories. This is of paramount importance to him: ‘Is the story plausible, and if so, how can I attract and involve the reader?’

Austin Macauley Publishers