This fictional story covers the life of the main character, Tony Stephens, for one year. He has graduated from college with a degree in education. He’s also a gifted musician and a decent athlete. He is looking forward to getting a teaching job and improving his relationship with his girlfriend, Melissa. However, his plans are dealt a blow when he can’t find a job in education and has to move back home with his parents to take a job in a factory. The summer doesn’t go well. There are no responses to applications he has for teaching jobs, and his relationship with Melissa comes to an end. Just when he figures he’ll have to work in the factory all his life, he lands a teaching job. Tony has an exceptional year as a teacher and joins a long-time musical associate in a band with huge potential. He also takes a coaching job at the school and re-establishes his relationship with Melissa. Just when everything seems to be going so well for Tony, it all starts crashing down.
Steve Logston grew up in Chester, West Virginia. He attended Oak Glen High School, Shepherd University, and the University of Dayton, where he earned a Master’s degree in Education. He retired after 35 years of teaching in Wellsville, Ohio. A Year of the Teacher is his first fictional novel. He enjoyed writing this novel and creating the characters. His knowledge of teaching, music, and coaching aided immensely in developing the story. Steve previously had published a book, Even Her Tears Were Yellow, which detailed the story of his step-daughter, who passed away during a liver transplant in 2013. He and his wife, Joni, live in Highlandtown, Ohio.