This image is the cover for the book Don’t Let the Light Go Out, 2016 Advent Calendar - Bah Humbug

Don’t Let the Light Go Out, 2016 Advent Calendar - Bah Humbug

Ray Fine would like to forget Hanukkah even exists. The holiday holds too many sad memories for the young widower. When he's paired with new convert Josiah Wilson in a year-long welcoming program at his synagogue, he doesn't know how he’ll get through eight days of celebration, let alone twelve months of guidance.

Josiah has enough on his plate—school, conversion, the holiday concert season—without becoming someone's shoulder to cry on. But when he discovers there's more to his new synagogue buddy's sadness than a case of the "Hanukkah Blues," he sets out to show Ray how much there is to live for.

The first blizzard of the season has other plans, though, and Hanukkah might be a lost cause if Ray and Josiah can't plow through the snow—and their differences. Determined not to lose Ray to his own darkness, Josiah plans to teach him a lesson about the real Miracle of Light—and love.

A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2016 Advent Calendar "Bah Humbug."

L.A. Merrill

Dreamspinner Press