This image is the cover for the book Everything Cover Letter Book, The Everything Books

Everything Cover Letter Book, The Everything Books

Get the interview with professional correspondence!

Completely updated for today's competitive job market, The Everything Cover Letter Book, 2nd Edition is what you need to get your foot in the door! With hundreds of resumes lined up for the job you want, it seems impossible to get yours to rise to the top of the pile. You need a superior cover letter to sell yourself when you're not there to do the talking.

Make a memorable first impression and get the job you want with this authoritative reference as your guide. This new edition includes:
200 plus cover letters, revised for today's industries.Techniques to highlight the best qualities on your resume.Tips on industry trends.Savvy advice on how to grab your reader's attention.Detailed guidance on how to polish your letter to perfection.Formatting guidelines to follow for letters, emails, notes, and more.Dos and Don'ts based on specific job applications.
With sample letters for every job seeker - from stay-at-home moms to traveling CEOs - The Everything Cover Letter Book, 2nd Edition is the only guide you'll need to land the job of your dreams!

Burton Jay Nadler

An Adams Media author.

Adams Media