This image is the cover for the book Haunted Denton, Haunted America

Haunted Denton, Haunted America

Follow a trail of Denton ghost stories from nineteenth-century pioneers and outlaws to modern-day businessmen who don't intend to clock out. Locals report that John B. Denton still roams the grounds of the courthouse lawn and keeps watch over his namesake town square from an upper window. The 1949 Campus Theatre is said to be haunted by the playful spirit of J.P. Harrison, the first general manager of the building. Historic restaurants like Cartwright's Ranch House and Killer's Tacos pair the occasional full-body apparition with their delicious menus. From the specter showing up in a selfie at Dix Coney Island to a phantom threading its way through Rose's Costume shop, Teal Gray captures the haunted heritage of this fascinating Texas town.

Teal Gray

Teal Gray is a best-selling native Texan author and sacred site traveler. She is an ordained minister fascinated with world religions and their varying belief systems. Teal has used her gifts of intuition and mediumship to help many paranormal investigative teams on sites of everything from historic buildings and homes to sacred sites around the world. Through these many experiences, she has amassed a greater understanding of the unknown. Sharing that knowledge is her passion. Ever curious, she hopes to make your reading experience feel like you are on the trail of answers with her.

The History Press