This image is the cover for the book How the Rich Get Thin

How the Rich Get Thin

You know the ones: the women walking down Park or Fifth Avenues on Manhattan's Upper East Side. Hermes handbag on the arm. Hair just so. Sleek and groomed as greyhounds. How The Rich Get Thin, from one of New York's premier weight control doctors, reveals the secrets of how the successful and rich get and stay thin. With a quick-start two week program that the dieter later builds on to keep losing weight and eventually to maintain their shape, How The Rich Get Thin includes:

--Meal plans high in protein, omega-3 fats and complex carbohydrates
--Calcium, through food rather than supplements, in the maximum amount the body can absorb at a time
--A morning exercise program as an adjunct to eating
--The Stop Watch method to curb food cravings: any craving can be stopped within just 15 minutes
--How to eat at fabulous restaurants, for business or pleasure, and keep losing weight.

Jana Klauer

St. Martin’s Griffin