Ciara Alinec has visions of past and future events due to a unique sequence of DNA from an unknown source. Unexpectedly, her aunt and uncle move to South Korea, and Ciara finds herself attending a private international academy on Jeju Island. The school is the brainchild of a biotech billionaire, Dr Sanjung Kim, who has assembled the most gifted students globally. With guidance from the social counsellor, James Fernley, Ciara learns to harness her abilities. Ciara is critical to Dr Kim’s plan to discover a race of supernatural beings from Māori mythology, a species with technology far in advance of humans. Through her visions of an 18th-century naval officer called William Hartley, Ciara experiences his life. But are her actions to discover the location of these beings preordained? Accompanied by her friends, Ciara travels to New Zealand to unravel the mystery, only to trigger a series of events that may destroy humanity.
Terence McAdams’ books seek to educate with plot-twisting narratives interweaving science, technology and history. His writing focuses on positive role modelling through richly-drawn characters. His doctoral research focused on girls’ computer programming, and he advocates for girls in STEAM. Terence also writes technical examination papers for the International Baccalaureate and publishes many articles on technology, data analysis and education. Terence seeks to enlighten and engage readers about scientific advancements through intrigue.