This image is the cover for the book Italian Groom, Wedlocked!

Italian Groom, Wedlocked!

Soon Meg's secret would show—she was pregnant! However, she was determined to keep it to herself while she visited her hometown in California and came to terms with her future as a single mom.

But there was no fooling Niccolo Dominici, darkly handsome winery owner and longtime family friend. In true Italian style, he insisted that he should take care of her and the baby. But Meg knew that marriage to Nicco didn't mean just in name only....

Jane Porter

Jane Porter loves central California's golden foothills and miles of farmland, rich with the sweet and heady fragrance of orange blossoms. Her parents fed her imagination by taking Jane to Europe for a year where she became passionate about Italy and those gorgeous Italian men! Jane never minds a rainy day – that's when she sits at her desk and writes stories about far-away places, fascinating people, and most important of all, love. Visit her website at:
