This image is the cover for the book City Cinderella, The Millionaire Affair

City Cinderella, The Millionaire Affair

Lucas Tennent:Wealthy, bachelor, city banker.He likes his apartment clean, new and empty.And he wants a life without complications.

Emily Warner: Broke, jobless and not in themood for men! All she wants is some peace andquiet to work on her novel.But their paths collide when Lucas comes homesick to find Emily—is cleaning lady—using hisplace as her study! Ill, irritable and infuriating,Lucas is no normal Prince Charming. Butindependent, irrepressible Emily makes a veryunusual Cinderella….

Catherine George

Catherine George was born in Wales, and early on developed a passion for reading which eventually fuelled her compulsion to write. Marriage to an engineer led to nine years in Brazil, but on his later travels the education of her son and daughter kept her in the UK. And, instead of constant reading to pass her lonely evenings, she began to write the first of her romantic novels. When not writing and reading she loves to cook, listen to opera, and browse in antiques shops.
