This adventurous journey of the Green “Q”uatrefoil and its friends, the e-instruments, occurs in the cyberspace. As the Green “Q”uatrefoil confronts itself with different realities and e-instruments, it realizes how important is to apply the intelligence and the critical thinking in order to survive within the united states of the international cyberspace, especially when dealing with a diversity of e-creatures, which might be good and evil. Every element of the cyberspace is fundamental and might have an important impact within the cyber environment and on its e-creatures, hence the smart use of the e-instruments becomes very important for all. The Green “Q”uatrefoil has to deal with different issues such as the renewable energy resources, multiculturalism and countering the hate speech on the web, thus making the united states of the international cyberspace a better space to live with and converting its algorithm into a better and prosperous one for everyone.
Blerina Meçule is an Italian-Albanian analyst on international affairs. Blerina was previously employed as an expert for international relations in the Diplomatic Office of two presidents of the Republic of Albania. She has also worked for different international organisations. An inspiring and energetic young entrepreneur, Blerina is also a polyglot with an enthusiasm for writing and translating in different languages. Blerina enjoys communicating with and understanding different cultures, mentalities, and entrepreneurial practices, placing emphasis on cultural sensitivity and respect for diversity.