This image is the cover for the book Back to the Beginning

Back to the Beginning

Logan St. James is a six foot two, dark-haired, bedroom-eyed Adonis on the prowl, but the pickin’s are slim at his usual haunt. Ready to leave for the night, move on to more fertile hunting grounds, when a lithe twink walks into the bar. The fresh prey immediately draws sharks, but Logan is the Alpha predator and moves in for the kill.

Years of cruising bars and one night stands could not prepare Logan for Trevor Black’s soulful eyes, easy, trusting manner, and disarming smile that smash past his vain exterior, making him want to know more, be more, than just a one-time thing. Logan never thought one night, one guy, could change everything.

Sam Singer

Sam Singer first discovered her love of writing in grade school and it’s an affair that has continued to grow and flourish. She dabbled in traditional romance before finding her one true love: male/male erotica and romance.

When not writing about beautiful men getting hot and sweaty, she works part-time as a librarian, enjoys baseball, feeding her caffeine addiction, and watching movies. She lives in a small town in the Midwest and is owned by her fickle Muse and insane cat, and she wouldn’t have it any other way.