This image is the cover for the book Exponential Weight Loss

Exponential Weight Loss

This new book is not just another diet gimmick telling you to eat lots of cabbage or to buy some brand of premade meals. It combines the results of basic nutrition research with an understanding of how your body uses and stores energy to show you the easy way to a healthy weight.
Too many people go on diets that cut their calorie intake drastically. They lose a lot of weight quickly, but those diets are too severe to continue without becoming unhealthy. When the diet inevitably ends, they go back to eating as they did before it started. And when they do, they start regaining the weight they suffered weeks of hunger to lose. So they go back on a diet again to lose what they regained. But once again the diet ends and the lost weight returns. Three-quarters of dieters repeat this cycle at least once. It’s called “yoyo dieting” and it’s unhealthy, leading to heart disease, diabetes, gallstones, and other problems.
There’s a healthy way to lose weight permanently. It’s called exponential weight loss, and this book explains how it works. You don’t need to starve to lose weight; your body only burns about fifteen calories per pound each day, so cutting out 150 calories - the amount in a can of soda - will lead to a loss of ten pounds. It’s slower, because that’s how your body responds to a small change, but it’s healthier. And it lasts, because your body adjusts once and for all to its new weight.
This amazing new book creates a roadmap to a healthier, happier you, without the stress and disappointment of dieting. It’s the tool you need to make your weight goal a reality.

Nathan Dean

A Tennessee native with a PhD from Cambridge University, Nathan Dean has spent years building mathematical models of physical processes. While modeling the behavior of subnuclear particles as a physics professor at Iowa State University, he lost weight after he began running; so he decided to build a mathematical model of that process as well. He found that each additional daily mile resulted in a loss of about five percent of body weight. For many years afterward, while his daily running distance varied, his model accurately described how his weight changed with it.
Based on that success, he extended the model to describe how weight loss results from dieting. To his surprise, he found that the severe calorie reduction of commercial diet plans is counter-productive. A small reduction in daily calorie intake is all that’s required for a significant weight loss. But it’s a slow process – an exponential decrease over a couple of years of about a pound for every fifteen calories. And, as with running, his own body verified that prediction. The result of that discovery is this book, in which he shares a fundamentally new approach to weight control.
Now retired from a career as a university professor, dean, and vice president, he is an avid fine art photographer, living with his wife Mary in Atlanta, Georgia.

Austin Macauley Publishers