This image is the cover for the book Super Cities! Indianapolis, Super Cities

Super Cities! Indianapolis, Super Cities

Sometimes the coolest places are right outside your front door . Learning about Indianapolis's interesting and unique culture has never been so super fun!

Donna Griffin

Donna Griffin is an author and Master Journalism Educator who is passionate about bringing people together through the power of hooks. She has written children's books about Christmas, a goat named Old Whiskcrs, and First Amendment superheroes, and was thrilled to write about her SUPER hometown, Indianapolis! Griffin lives in Greenfield, Indiana, with her husband and goes on adventures, big and small with her grandchildren and students of all ages. She is an independent author and educator who connects kids and teams to their communities with her 50lc3 non-profit, Dani's Dreams Innovation in Education Corp and Student Voices @ Butler University.

Arcadia Children’s Books