This image is the cover for the book Astounding Stories Of Super Science November 1930, Classics To Go

Astounding Stories Of Super Science November 1930, Classics To Go

Astounding Stories Of Super Science November 1930 features six Classic Science Fiction Stories from the "Golden Age of Science Fiction". Contents and short description: "The Wall of Death" by H.W. Wessolowski: Out of the Antarctic It Came—a Wall of Viscid, Grey, Half-Human Jelly, Absorbing and Destroying All Life That It Encountered, "The Pirate Planet", by Charles W. Diffin: A Strange Light Blinks on Venus, and Over Old Earth Hovers a Mysterious Visitant—Dread Harbinger of Interplanetary War (Beginning a Four-Part Novel), "The Destroyer", by William Merriam Rouse: Slowly, Insidiously, There Stole Over Allen Parker Something Uncanny. He Could No Longer Control His Hands—Even His Brain!, "The Gray Plague", by L.A. Eshbach: Maimed and Captive, in the Depths of an Interplanetary Meteor-Craft, Lay the Only Possible Savior of Plague-Ridden Earth, "Jetta Of The Lowlands" by Ray Cummings: Black-Garbed Figures Move in Ghastly Greenness As the Invisible Flyer Speeds on Its Business of Ransom. (Conclusion.), "Vagabonds Of Space" by Harl Vincent: From the Depths of the Sargasso Sea of Space Came the Thought-Warning, "Turn Back!" But Carr and His Martian Friend Found It Was Too Late! (A Complete Novelette.)

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