On a mission to an unexplored planet near the Klingon/Romulan border, the U.S.S. Enterprise travels to the planet Eloh to negotiate Federation memebership. But upon arrival, Captain Jean-Luc Picard and his diplomatic team find themselves face to face with Commander Sela, an old Romulan enemy -- who's there to convince the Elohsians to join the Romulan Empire.
When a series of fatal indidents casts suspicion on both delegations, Data must form an uneasy alliance with Sela to prove the innocence of the Starship Enterprise crew -- or lose a sprategic stronghold to the Federation's greatest enemy.
Robert Greenberger is known for his work as an editor for Comics Scene, Starlog, and Weekly World News. He has held executive positions at Marvel Comics and DC Comics. While at DC Comics, he became involved with the Star Trek franchise, and authored a number of novels and stories set in the Star Trek universe.