This image is the cover for the book Exploring Christology and Atonement

Exploring Christology and Atonement

Andrew Purves, the author of many works in pastoral theology, has spent his life exploring the significance of Jesus Christ for the life of the church. As a professor of historical theology, he has also investigated the significance of patristic and Reformed theology for understanding Christ. In Exploring Christology and Atonement, Purves brings these concerns together. If pastoral theology is about the person and work of Christ, then the study of Christology and atonement is essential to the ministry of the church. Drawing on his own Scottish heritage, Purves engages in a critical conversation about Christ?s person and work with three eminent Scottish theologians whose legacy stretches over two hundred years: John McLeod Campbell, Hugh Ross Mackintosh and Thomas Forsyth Torrance. Purves shows how their respective contributions to our understanding of Jesus Christ shape and inform the practice of the faith. The ministry of the church is rooted first and foremost in the ministry ofGod.

Andrew Purves

Andrew Purves (PhD, University of Edinburgh) is Jean and Nancy Davis Professor of Historical Theology at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania. He is the author of numerous books including Reconstructing Pastoral Theology: A Christological Foundation, The Crucifixion of Ministry and The Resurrection of Ministry. He is an ordained Presbyterian minister and has three grown children with his wife Catherine, who is minister of the Bellevue United Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh.

InterVarsity Press