This image is the cover for the book HELP! My Child Hates School

HELP! My Child Hates School

A veteran educator tackles the many difficulties kids face in school—from bullying to lack of motivation—with strategies to help your child love learning.

Is your child depressed, unmotivated, resentful, or angry when it’s time to go to school each morning? Does your child come home with stories of being bullied or made fun of? Does your child possess unusual talents that go unrecognized at school―or, worse, is he or she seen as strange by teachers or peers?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, help has arrived. HELP! My Child Hates School cuts to the root of your child’s school issues and shows you practical ways to turn the situation around, getting your child out of misery and back to thriving. Along the way, Mara Linaberger, an educational innovator with more than twenty-five years of experience, will share stories, tips, and tricks to help instill a love for learning in your child!

If your child can’t last another day in school, and you’ve had it with the fighting, crying, and coercing, HELP! My Child Hates School is for you.

Mara Linaberger, P.M.H. Atwater, Chris Mercogliano

Mara is a life-long educator, author, musician, and artist, having spent 25 years in service as a public-school educator, teacher trainer, and administrator. Earning a Master of Arts in Teaching in elementary education, and then an educational doctorate in Instructional Technology, Mara also holds a Superintendent’s Letter of Eligibility in the state of Pennsylvania. Having spent most of her professional career in public school systems, Mara recently sensed it was time to change direction. Launching Mindful Technology Consultants in 2013, she now crafts individualized training and support services for small businesses, school districts, and larger educational organizations. Focusing on the simplified and intentional use of technology, she helps her clients to deconstruct complex language and ideas to achieve harmony, make rich connections between like-minded entrepreneurs, and bring back a love for creativity and learning. Mara resides in Pittsburgh, PA. She travels extensively, tackling unique educational projects and supporting awakened parents and kids in transforming their experiences with education and school.

Morgan James Publishing