This image is the cover for the book Dragons in My Dreams

Dragons in My Dreams

Most nights I see him, that familiar pink and green, He flutters through, from dream to dream. He wears different disguises, but I know it’s him, I can tell from that sly ear-to-ear grin. Tonight, he’s in a kingdom, on duty with the royals, He saw an ad in the paper and circled the word loyal. But he’s causing all sorts of commotion, sending everyone in tears, Each day making someone new stand up to their fears. He may be a fearsome dragon, but there’s more here than meets the eye, Unlike other dragons you see, Iffy is not one for flying high.

Mackenzie Loof

Mackenzie Loof is a young writer from New Zealand. She is currently completing her degree in English Literature and Education at Victoria University of Wellington and intends to spend her life connected to the literary industry; working to edit and publish others work whilst continuing to write her own. Alongside her passion for children’s books, Mackenzie hopes to break into the market of adult/young adult fiction novels as she grows both in age and knowledge.