From an author who is “like Quentin Tarantino on paper,” a thriller featuring a special agent on a mission to uncover a conspiracy (New York Times–bestselling author Kevin J. Anderson).
When world leaders burst into flame like a string of firecrackers, the President calls on a renegade former agent with a history of mental problems. Otto “Aardvark” White possesses a unique quality. He’s lucky. What Otto discovers in the mountains of Colorado will blow your mind and change the way you look at the world.
“Mike Baron’s Whack Job is pretty freaking brilliant.” —James A. Owen, award-winning author of the Chronicles of Imaginarium Geographica series
“Mike Baron writes like the bastard offspring of James Crumley and Rex Miller, in prose so hardboiled you'll break a tooth.” —Jeff Marriote, award-winning author of the Las Vegas series
“Mike Baron brings his limitless imagination to prose with a fast-moving tale that feels like an action movie captured in type.” —Paul Levitz, Eisner award winning author of Unfinished Business
Mike Baron broke into comics with Nexus, his groundbreaking science fiction title co-created with illustrator Steve Rude. He has written for Creem, The Boston Globe, Isthmus, AARP Magazine, Oui, Madison, Fusion, Poudre Magazine, Argosy and many others. Nexus is currently being published in hardcover by Dark Horse. Baron has won two Eisners and an Inkpot for his work on Nexus, now being published in five languages including French, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.