Anna turned 21 years old on the day that she arrived in Vancouver, British Columbia. She felt twice that age. The mirror on the train reflected dark circles beneath her brown eyes and a thin face. Her overall appearance was only saved by her glowing, abundant hair.
A Jewish girl, she was emigrating from Glasgow, Scotland, with her husband and baby daughter. Her father, on her departure, had said: “You’ll live to regret this decision. You were always the one to chase wild dreams, wanting more than you had.”
“Isn’t a dream better than this?” she had asked, sweeping her arms to take in their surroundings.
It was 1922 and Canada was in the midst of Great Depression. When Anna was called upon to honor a commitment to a Jewish friend caught in pre-war Europe, she needed to balance a career that she had worked hard to establish so she could foster a nine-year-old child. Her dreams took a direction that she had never expected.
Elizabeth Carlson currently resides in Abbotsford, British Columbia, and has lived her entire life in Canada. She has traveled extensively throughout North America, the Caribbean, and Europe.
Her background in journalism includes all aspects of newspaper writing that involved working relationships with West Kootenay newspapers over twenty years. In addition, she served two consecutive terms as Seniors’ Advisory Representative for the West Kootenays. She holds a Fine Arts diploma in Creative Writing from David Thompson University/Selkirk College as well as several certificates from special interest groups. Freelance articles and short stories have appeared in general interest publications and specific to seniors.