This image is the cover for the book My Christianity

My Christianity

Journey through the Bible’s sacred texts from start to finish, as this panoramic book handpicks pivotal moments from both the Hebrew and Christian faiths. With a commitment to simplifying the text, readers can easily digest and appreciate the highs and lows of these ancient narratives. Delve into the joys of celebration, the sorrows of the Suffering Church, and the stories of persecuted believers worldwide, echoing the lament of the Hebrews by the rivers of Babylon in Psalm 137:1. The book also features extended biographies, powerful Christian quotes, and captivating stories, all designed to inspire and engage readers on their own spiritual path.

George Habash

The author is a scientist by profession and not a theologian. He was born near the end of WWII in the Middle East in the town of Baretly in the heart of the historical Assyrian Empire. He is an Antiochan Syriac Catholic by family and church attendance but believes that all Christians follow Christ. Following his postgraduate studies in the West he studied the Bible and Christianity through his own personal expedition and endeavour without any theology. This is his second book about the Christian faith also by Austin Macauley Publishers.

Austin Macauley Publishers