This image is the cover for the book Sand Lake Revisited, Images of America

Sand Lake Revisited, Images of America

Sand Lake Revisited provides a fresh perspective on the history of an eastern New York State township, located just south of Troy and east of Albany. It features an outpouring of vintage images and stories
that have come to light since the first photographic history of Sand Lake was published. Pictured are the beach that was known as Upstate Coney Island, lovely tourist lodgings adjacent to the town�s seven lakes,
long johns manufactured at Faith Mills, and a hometown Vietnam War hero who saved the lives of 14 men.

Mary D. French, Andrew St. J. Mace,

Mary D. French, the coauthor of Sand Lake, and Andrew St. J. Mace, a senior librarian at New York State Library, have created this second book for the Sand Lake Historical Society. The two serve respectively as editor and publisher of the historical society�s newsletter. Filled with material they recently acquired, Sand Lake Revisited reveals the exciting and flourishing community that Sand Lake has been and continues to be.

Arcadia Publishing