This image is the cover for the book Globe


A legendary talisman gives its owners extraordinary powers in this fast-paced supernatural thriller from the author of The Portal.

For over two thousand years, a powerful force in the battle for good versus evil has remained trapped in what appears to be a harmless snow globe. Forged in the fire of Mount Vesuvius, the “Treskele” awaits the three who will once again battle the evil Tueates in the fight for light versus darkness which will take place at the ancient city of Pompeii. But before the battle can commence, the three chosen ones must come to understand their true purpose.

Ron Stelle

Sometimes in life we find a calling we are compelled to answer. Ron Stelle found out, through gentle persuasion by his wife, that writing was what he was meant to do. After turning on the faucet with his first novel about growing up in the sixties, the faucet has become a major waterfall. Ron writes with a passion driven by a desire to share his stories and is very, very good at bringing the reader into the world he has created. The characters are vivid and likable, well most of them anyway. Ron also has a unique way of bringing humor into his stories as well, humor that will have you laughing out loud, despite the fact that you might be on a plane while others are sleeping. He has written six novels from coming of age comedy to supernatural thrillers.