This image is the cover for the book Charlie Ant 5: George and Max

Charlie Ant 5: George and Max

Sam’s ordinary day takes a turn for the extraordinary when a slice of jam-covered toast lands on top of him. His friend Charlie rushes to help, but the temptation of the sweet jam proves too much to resist! In the midst of their jammy predicament, the toast is suddenly snatched away. Determined to find more, Charlie and Sam venture into the house of the big people. Their adventure leads them to George, who is engrossed in playing with his train set. Spotting a tempting sweet in one of the carriages, Charlie and Sam clamber aboard, only to find themselves whisked away as the train chugs into motion, landing them in a very sticky situation indeed. Things escalate when Max the dog, eyeing the sweet, inadvertently gets Charlie stuck to it and pops them both into his mouth. Sam watches in dismay as his best friend vanishes, realizing he must act quickly to rescue Charlie from an unintentional trip down Max’s gullet.

Andy Huxtable

Andy Huxtable was born in the East End of London and is a keen supporter of Leyton Orient F.C. After selling his two companies he decided to retire in the year 2000. Having three young children and spending lots of time reading bed-time stories to them, Andy decided to write children’s books himself based on two characters called Charlie and Sam.

Austin Macauley Publishers