This image is the cover for the book Impromptu Friday Nights

Impromptu Friday Nights

The ultimate guide to hosting dinner parties of every size, from choosing guests to choosing themes—includes recipes and menu plans.

Almost everyone likes to socialize over a meal. Supper clubs that bring people together to enjoy a meal are natural enablers. The concept of supper clubs (hosting regular dinner parties) seems simple, but the “how to” can be daunting.

Impromptu Friday Nights shows the reader how to set up supper clubs, provides options for different club formats, from large and formal to small and informal, and includes sample menus with recipes.

Author Paul J. Kenny and his wife have been in many different types of supper clubs for most of their adult lives. They have been in large, formal clubs, small, informal ones and several others in between. Through these experiences, Paul has learned what works for a group and what doesn’t. As part of these clubs, he has been writing menus and recipes for years. He is a foodie and comes from a long line of foodies who love to entertain.

“Paul Kenny’s Impromptu Friday Nights directs the reader to focus on the most important building blocks of successful culinary entertainment . . . In an era of over-promising, misleading complexity, and verbosity this book simplifies the task, empowers the host to shine, and grants him/her success every time.” —Lucien Vendôme, former director of culinary innovation for Nestle

Paul Kenny

Paul Kenny worked for Kraft Foods for 35 years working with an amazing group of chefs and food scientists, honing his appreciation of the “art and science” of a great meal. As VP of Marketing for the ingredients business at Kraft he was exposed to some of the greats in the food industry, including working with food scientist that invented Kraft Macaroni and Cheese as well as the chef that led innovation at Nestle for over 20 years. Working with these experts has given him enormous insight into what makes food taste good and what makes it popular. Paul also ran KFI’s international businesses that had him traveling the world, enjoying all kinds of cuisines and learning a lot about food. He learned that people from different cultures like their own cuisine and flavor profiles. Most importantly, he has gotten to know many interesting people over a good meal, which is the foundation of any supper club. Paul lives in Germantown, Tennessee.

Morgan James Publishing