A look back at the jet fighter’s thirty-five years of service with the US Navy, featuring hundreds of photos as well as stories from pilots.
For thirty-five years of active naval service, the Grumman F-14 Tomcat was the foremost air superiority fighter of the Cold War, with continuing service as a fighter-bomber in the Gulf Wars. Two hundred thousand sailors, both pilots and “ground” crew, served in F-14 squadrons with the Tomcat over its decades of flight.
This book is a grand remembrance of this great aircraft by those who flew it. Hundreds of pilots have included their favorite stories of the missions and planes that brought them home. Two hundred exceptional color photographs show the F-14 on the deck, in the air, and over the sea.
Dave "Hey Joe" Parsons is a longtime tomcat aviator who is currently a top executive of the Titan Corp in Virginia Beach, Virginia. For many years he was the editor of the Navy's Approach Magazine, and he has authored some 20 books on military aviation.Dave Parsons logged over twenty thousand photos as a Tomcat RIO during a career in the U.S. Marines and Navy and now serves as a warfighter liaison between NAVAIR and the Special Ops community. He and his wife live under the traffic pattern at NAS Oceana, near their four grandchildren. As the very first editor-producers of The Hook magazine, Bob Lawson and his wife, Sallie, dedicated themselves to telling the story of carrier aviation. They now live near St. George, Utah. George Hall photographed military aircraft for over thirty years and founded George Hall Photography, a stock photo agency. He passed away in April 2006.Bob Lawson is the former editor of Tailhook Magazine, the journal of the Tailhook Association. He has logged more hours and traps in the Tomcat than any nonaviator. An authority on carrier-based aviation, he lives in St George Utah.