This image is the cover for the book Rolling Thunder, The Thunder and Lightning Series

Rolling Thunder, The Thunder and Lightning Series

The third book in the Thunder and Lightning Series is “a smashing success . . . [with] action-packed, science-packed homages to Heinlein’s best work” (Cory Doctorow, Boing Boing).

Navy lieutenant Podkayne, daughter of Ray Garcia-Strickland, is tired of her job as Martian consul in California—and Earth’s oppressive gravity. So she’s OK with getting called back to Mars even if it’s because her great-grandmother is sick and being put into suspended animation.

After a family reunion, Podkayne’s next port of call is Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons, where she can finally realize her dream of being a singer. But just when her life seems to be improving for the better, disaster strikes and Podkayne is put into her own state of suspension. Awakened ten years later, she will discover a solar system in turmoil—where the very survival of humanity is at risk . . .

“This is well-crafted science fiction written by a master.” —SFRevu

“These books are fond without being nostalgic, reverent without being old-fashioned. Everything about them is utterly contemporary, but it’s easy to believe that Heinlein would have written them (more or less!) today.” —Cory Doctorow, Boing Boing

“Loaded with references, some subtle and others blatant, to Heinlein’s many books. Heinlein fans will get a chuckle, or maybe even a guffaw, when encountering one of these. Readers with no Heinlein background will enjoy the story too, but on a different level.” —National Space Society

John Varley

John Varley is the author of the Gaea Trilogy (Titan, Wizard, and Demon), the Thunder and Lightning Series (Red Thunder, Red Lightning, Rolling Thunder, and Dark Lightning), Steel Beach, The Golden Globe, Mammoth, and many more novels. He has won both Nebula and Hugo Awards for his short fiction, and his short story “Air Raid” was adapted into the film Millennium. Varley lives in Vancouver, Washington. For more information, visit

Open Road Media