This image is the cover for the book The Limits of Light

The Limits of Light

We are descendants of the Ancient Greek Gods.At least in that, we, like them, can dream and desire, wield world-shaping forces, be vindictive and myopic, malicious, and indulgent. The stories of the Gods unfolded in glorious detail, perhaps foreshadowing what was to come. The past and present intermingle, refracting the future into a myriad of possibilities. The story of the Gods is the story of us, only the names have changed.

Susan A. Katz

Susan A. Katz is an internationally recognized poet, author, and teacher. She has conducted poetry workshops for children and educators throughout the United States and Canada. Her poems have appeared in dozens of magazines, periodicals, and anthologies, and she has three published poetry collections and two co-authored textbooks with Orff Schulwerk Specialist, Judith A. Thomas, blending words and music, and illustrating creative ways to integrate the arts into school curriculums. Her work has been cited as, “evoking a powerful sense of physical passion and deeply felt experiences”; “outspokenly erotic and sensual”; “terribly powerful…oddly strong…wonderful.” Ms. Katz was, for over a decade, the book review editor for Bitterroot magazine and has presented extensive readings of her work.

Austin Macauley Publishers