Robi and Vic, two old friends, are sitting on a park bench on a misty fall evening, munching nuts and reminiscing. The smell of jasmine in the chilly fall air suddenly reminds Robi of their university days, many moons ago. A floodgate of memories of this time of their lives, when ‘life held promise and powers felt indefatigable,’ opens up. Who was the mysterious creature they had seen in the Gymkhana late night after the concert of ‘87? Who ratted them out after they crashed into the social event illegally held on university premises one evening? What started the infamous mess wars that drove such a rift through campus? The past becomes the present and the two compatriots go through their own remembrance of things past, while the sinister syndicate and the feared disciplinary committee loom over every encounter.
Robi Roy thrives on words and their use in humor, in daily life and in his writings. He comes from a family of storytellers who were Bengalis flourishing in Burma, who later immigrated to the cultural mecca of Calcutta and brought their talent to spin a good yarn with them. Robi’s education in the subtle essence of comedic witticism was honed by the ordinary everyday people of Calcutta itself who are perhaps not so widely known but are experts in this area. Robi’s days are spent thinking about the words that used at the right time and in the right place, raises a chuckle. In short, Robi takes humor seriously. He also enjoys quiet moments with his family of seven, human and canine, in peaceful Oakville, Ontario.