Magic Behind the Heart is a book for yoga instructors to inspire students and deepen the class experience—on the mat—by reciting at the start, middle, or end of sessions. This, A Yoga & Meditation Companion, is also for yoga practitioners to guide themselves and expand the at-home practice by incorporating after pranayama yogic breathing techniques and easing into meditation.
This book of poetry teaches the philosophy of:
o Building lasting worth by embracing moments of healing.
o Developing unwavering empowerment by quieting demand of ego.
o Uncovering perpetual joy by establishing a relationship with self.
o Illuminating higher purpose by suspending mistrust of the unknown.
o Channeling ultimate creativity by holding proper principles.
o Receiving infinite abundance by clinging to correct response.
Experience the sacred shift of opening the heart by embodying the intrinsic energy field of these 92 haiku—off the mat.
AJ Stroik earned a dual degree in Continental philosophy and creative writing at the University of Wisconsin—La Crosse, while tutoring in the University Writing Center. Upon graduating, she took a position at Marquette University as an ESL Writing Tutor for the department of International Education. Stroik is a certified Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master, yoga practitioner and resides in Madison, Wisconsin. Her work has appeared in The Elevation Review, Beatific Magazine, Soul-Lit and mindbodygreen.