Loosely based on the classic tale Beauty and the Beast this story follows a compassionate young man who discovers a castle filled with mystery, but not as mysterious as the woman that resides there, for she is hiding something… something magical. Will he win the trust of her and the servants that live there? Or will their stories remain unheard? This book will inspire and engage the reader throughout, showing them that we should accept others regardless of their flaws, be kind, and to understand that perfection does not exist!
Olivia Gibson is a young author, 12-year-old at the time this book was written, who has always wanted to be a writer deep down. Even though she has faced a lot of struggles, her passion for writing has been able to lift her up in the darkest of times. Due to her diagnosis of autism and cerebral palsy, she has found it difficult to fit in with the usual crowd. Therefore, she uses writing as a way to express herself and as a form of escapism.