This image is the cover for the book The Funny Little Man

The Funny Little Man

Henry returns annually to the Greek island of Ios, in the Cyclades. This year will see his tenth summer on the island. He considers it as his ‘second home’, with the ever-present warm welcome of his good Greek friends Alex and Katerina - his ‘Greek family’. Henry enjoys his usual holiday routine which has brought him many happy memories from previous visits. This year however, there are surprises in store for Henry. His days are spent in and around the Port beach area and in the village uphill. Unbeknown to Henry, he becomes considered by some of his fellow holiday makers as ‘The Funny Little Man’, especially when popular music is playing in “Pirate”, the portside bar owned by Alex and Katerina. One afternoon, whilst taking the shade of a beachside taverna, a stunning lady entered Henry’s life - and he is soon considered quite differently as a romantic ‘dark horse’. Henry’s life is enriched by his new experience - an experience he will never forget. But he will be presented with sad news, which will ultimately bring profound feelings of emotion. For Henry, life on the Greek island of Ios will never be the same again.

Roger Geoffrey Carlund

Roger Geoffrey Carlund is a retired Principal Teacher. His many travels have included annual summers in various Greek islands, mainland Greece and farther afield. He has an Honours Degree in Psychology and three Postgraduate Diplomas. The second son of a Scottish mother and a Swedish father, Roger lives in Aberdeen, Scotland.

Austin Macauley Publishers